Monday, February 25, 2008

By-election hype: 25 or 50 signatures?

According to my sources, let's call these sources "Roger", François Picard did in fact submit his nomination papers.

In fact, he submitted his papers minutes before 4PM (according to some it was at 4PM on the dot - according to others it was at 3:51PM) with 31 names.

According to the election rules, it takes 50 signatures to be a candidate.

This is the article of the election rules that deals with this issue:

3.3 Nomination
SFUO executive positions: SFUO members must present their nominations for candidacy by submitting the nomination form to the SFUO offices or to the Elections Office, indicating the support of fifty (50) members (including their student numbers and signatures), no later than the time and date stipulated in the elections Timetable (section 7 of the electoral regulations).

Representatives of Picard are challenging the decision to disqualify Picard. There will be meetings with the Student Arbitration Committee.

Wow! More to come.


Jason A. Chiu said...

Shit, the nominations were due today? Damn!

Anonymous said...

I personally believe that 25 or 50 is a rediculous number of signature.

TO add a referendum question you need 1500 signature isn't it a little bit out of proportion

Why not up the hanty, make it 500 signature, after all it shows that you really want the position and that you won't run a campaign just for the heck of it