Tuesday, March 4, 2008

By-election campaign: If only the SFUO was the U of A...

In certain universities, "joke candidates" are permitted. A fire hydrant has run, unsuccessfully in British-Columbia, and above is a video of Soundwave debating Dollansky at the University of Alberta.

That would certainly be unconventional, original and unique if it was permitted at the University of Ottawa. Any thoughts?


Philippe said...

Would it be similar, in effect, to the "none of the above" idea?

Anonymous said...

Soundwave n'est pas bilingue.

Anonymous said...

Soundwave for SFUO president 2008.

Anonymous said...

Wow this was entertaining and a half

If that what it takes to get students interested in student politics than be it.

And I still love my Idea from a old post
None of the above should be a choice because why should we be stuck with incompetent leaders?

Catou said...

Ouan, j'avoue qu'en contraste avec le style des élections à l'U d'O, on a l'air pas mal, comment dire, stuck up. On se prend tellement au sérieux avec nos 50 000 règlements! À part pour le vidéo de la chanson de Julie et l'entartage pour le Relai pour la vie, ça manque d'humour un ti peu...

Comic relief is good publicity, candidates should use it!

Anonymous said...

hah that was great.
What would be great publicity for the fed elections next year is to have a mock election in January. so Spiderman vs Tin Tin or what not. make a couple of short videos and have a mock debate. The whole theme could be based on the idea that "at least these are not the real elections." Have that about a two weeks before the election to get people interested.

Anonymous said...

This is going to scare people, but Soundwave actually got 1600 votes in that election. The Human ended up winning, but still. 1600.

Anonymous said...

That's from last year.

Also joke candidates have gotten pretty weak of lately. Pepsi ran one year (UA is a coke school) and was pretty good.

Also, UA isn't bilingual so it doesn't matter that the robot isn't.