Thursday, March 6, 2008

By-election campaign: Renaud Garner owns the room

I decided to see Renaud-Philippe Garner first hand and followed him into his 4PM classroom presentation.

Before his speech he spoke with everyone in the first row and started a five minute conversation with the Professor. Good move because she gave him much more time than I've seen a Prof give any student. He started by shouting his student number out and saying he is not a number. By then the class froze and started listening. The few that kept talking were practically shushed by others. He kept pointing and pumping his fist. Explained why he does not have posters (see YouTube video above), advocated for no copyright on textbooks and other academic materials. The whole time, he had a picture of cattle behind him (projected from the projector), and kept saying student are not cattle. People around me kept saying "Wow, this guy is passionate." We wanted to film the presentation, but we do not have that medium (yet, give us time.)

After his speech, Renaud interrupted the clapping (literally) and thanked Dean Haldenby for not attacking him on the Ivory Antenna the night before. He encouraged students to vote.

Renaud-Philippe Garner will be on the Ivory Antenna tonight at 5:15PM. Tune in to CHUO 89.1FM, listen here, or 943 on Rogers Digital Cable.

Photo courtesy of Jason Chiu. The SFUO Blog exclusive.


Anonymous said...

If these two other candidates are so great and so passionate, why didn't they run in the first place? Why was Dean the only one? How passionate can you really be when you decide at the last minute to run, and you can tell some ideas are last minute as some platform points are not properly researched.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way to listen to the interviews after the fact? I've missed both but I'd like to check them out.

Wassim said...


If you use a browser other than Internet Explorer (Try Firefox), you will see the podcasts. They show up in Green. Just push play.

I will put a link on the side bar shortly.