Tuesday, March 11, 2008

By-election campaign: RPG releases final video

This video might interest some readers. For those wondering, I will put up all videos that the candidates make. Dean is set to release his tonight. No confirmation from Joseph Wesley Richards II yet.


Anonymous said...

was he crying ?

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me?

Vote Dean Haldenby!

Anonymous said...

are you fucking kidding me?

Vote JWR2 !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Elizabeth Chelsea said...

oh, THATS where he was tonight.

see, I was just at the pie-in-the-face for relay for life; a fundraiser, where people get together, to pie presidential hopefuls, because they care, and do not want to be apathetic, , and for some reason, which has not been fully explained to me, renaud, wasnt, there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe RPG doesn't want to waste food.

Maybe he actually believes in democracy.

Anonymous said...

If Renaud is missing charity events, what else is going to miss...?

But seriously, this is what apathy looks like!

Elizabeth Chelsea said...

food? listen, i've never sat down to a whipped cream dinner before. maybe im just strange that way.

and im not sure what avoiding a democratic pie-ing has to do with him actually believing in democracy.

Jdub and Dean were both there. I thought it was undemocratic for renaud not to be there.

Anonymous said...

Hail to JWR2!

Anonymous said...

Listen, being a good sport and letting someone pie you in the face in the name of humility serves what purpose?

Was it to raise money? Is this the only way we have to fundraise?

Pie'n people?

Have we not evolved beyond highschool hijink and carnival tricks?

Serge Miville said...

I'm sorry, I have been offended by your comment, deeply. I hope you aplogise. C'est une attaque gratuite et sans fondement.

If apathy is not finding interest in events created by an institution, then I am apathetic.

You don't know if Renaud donated to Relay for life already, or has been for years. All you know is that he did not participate at this SFUO event, much like the immense and brutally enormous majority that do not see themselves within their hosted events.

Not assisting to the event does not mean you are hostile to the cause. It does mean, however, that the event does not appeal to you.

I suppose that the 30 000 students that didn't go don't care. There are also apathetic, and are undemocratic, according to the argument. I suppose I hate democracy.

Is it democratic for Renaud not to be there. It is democratic for Renaud to go there. It is, in the end, our choice.

That, my friend, is the basis of a democracy.

Elizabeth Chelsea said...

Listen, denigrating the efforts of the philanthropic coordinator is not my idea of useful criticism. the fact is, the event had already been planned. you can get as philosophical as you'd like about it, but where have you been, with all your brilliant ideas, 7 months ago?

have we not evolved against speaking out against already planned events? criticism is fantastic, doing nothing but complaining and pretending like you are taking the higher ground, not so much.

Anonymous said...


I apologize. I had mistaken the date. I believed, incorrectly, that it was tomorrow. Call it silly, but I messed up. I wish I could have been there, I said I would. Allow me to be sincere and apologize. If ou want to pie me tomorrow, give me a time and place and I will contact Wassim and his gang. I am sure they would like to get a photo of that.

Elizabeth Chelsea said...

Serge, there's a difference in expecting all students to go to the fundraiser, and expecting the invited candidates to go to the fundraiser. your whole argument hinges on the failure to understand this difference. Go ahead and make hasty generalizations about my categories precluding you from democracy, but that is distorting what I was saying.

The thing about being a president is, you dont just get to pick and choose what events (your employees have created) that you will support. You just show. Its a fundraiser. Put on by employees and volunteers of the student federation.

And its democratic to pie all contestants equally. Lets say in a hypothetical elaboration, that dean decides/forgets not to show up. But a ton of dean supporters are there. They are going to pie the other two candidates, and not there own. though its only pie-ing, it would be unfair to stack the pies against some candidates but not all, especially when you want to be the face of the student executive.

Elizabeth Chelsea said...

Plus, the more candidates, the more money raised (per pie). People would have spent more money to pie all three candidates, rather than two.

I certainly did not say that Renaud is hostile to the cause, that, again, is you completely misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I was saying. I will not be lead into such misunderstandings and accusations. I dont know how Renaud feels about Relay for Life, I was just saying his absence and the appearance of the video was a bit strange, given the content of the video.

Serge Miville said...
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Serge Miville said...

Fair enough. Your two first posts did not state that. Thanks for clarifying. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...

why do we have to attack a guy who is trying to be open and sincere? Is there anything wrong with saying what you think and not giving-in to politically correctness...

And yeah he missed the pie thing, but he admitted heis mistake. Is that such a big deal? You going to elect someone because they took a pie to the face? Really? I mean what if I don't know about a cause? A pie contest does not convince me to act but aguy that will take the risk of being ridiculed to convince me is pretty stand-up!

Unknown said...

Okay, RPG clearly stated he got the wrong date. Mistakes happen and we forgive him, do not push this into a large argument.

Thank you to RPG for clarifying

Anonymous said...

never sat down to a whipped cream dinner... well, some people don't sit down to dinner at all. wasting food is wasting food, no matter how you characterize it. so don't use a ridiculous straw man like that to justify a waste of food.

weren't you up in arms about pumpkins? i think that whipped cream can be combined with pumpkins to great ends.

and where was he seven months ago? he is here now and running. and after the intense campaigning, i'm not surprised he forgot the date.

so maybe, eliz, since you had stated that he 'doesn't care' you should retract that statement now that you are aware of the reality of the situation. do you think, maybe, it would be possible to not make such hasty conclusions that you are so quick to jump all over? that would save us a lot of typing, and make you seem like less of a sack of hot air.

Elizabeth Chelsea said...

no, I wasnt up in arms about pumpkins, way to overgeneralize me with the rest of my granola army.

nope, no retractments, "he doesnt care" was an artifice constructed, in part, by the cynicism and straw men of your own perspicacity. deal.

until a bunch of younger-year goons came along, my points were nothing but juxtapositions about his points and facts about the night. until you came along and pretended whipped cream was food, I had nothing to do with your sense of the universe.

you draw hasty conclusions like you've been studying the art your whole life. i drew nothing of the sort, I merely implied: strange how renaud spent the night imparting his passion for hope and his disdain for apathy, whilst forgetting/missing a fundraiser that he was a main character thereof. i didnt dote on his intentionality even, it is still a slash of ambiguity. Renaud is smart enough to know that much; you, on the other hand, should just back off and use less of your fingertips and more of your grey region.

sack of hot air huh? im not so concerned what you think of me, I must be honest here. the intuitive and particular of this audience already know what you are up to, and the generalizing and "some people only WISH they have whipped cream for dinner" sentiments you wish to whip up over my comments, well, eat me, im not going to be led into your universe of crappy arguments so easily.

if im a sack of hot air, you are a diaspora of cold nothingness. at least i spice things up. i ask questions. you talk with an authority you borrow on. that doesnt impress me.

Elizabeth Chelsea said...

okay im going to bed i am done wtih being asinine im a very pleasant person otherwise until someone calls me names, COMEON

Anon said...

I had whipped cream for breakfast! It was so good. Man, I couldn't afford a $0.79 box of PC instant macaroni and cheese, so I was like, well, I'll just spend $3.99 on this tube of whipped cream, which is very nutritious and delicious, and I won't do laundry. Sadly, I just got whipped cream all over my very last clean pair of underwear. Oh man this sucks so much!

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. The moral of the story is that this was the most ludicrous bunch of comments I've read yet. Eliz is right and everyone else is anonymous and silly. Except Serge, but he wear striped shirts so I mean, you KNOW what that says about his credibility. Don't listen to him, kids.

Anonymous said...
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