Tuesday, March 4, 2008

By-election campaign: Criss-crossing

Presidential candidates have been criss-crossing in classrooms and from what I have heard, all three have completely different styles. Renaud-Philippe Garner was able to completely silence the room and was clearly drawing a lot of attention today. After his comment: "I will not pollute your environment with posters." many students applauded. Many others seemed more intrigued than anything else.

Dean Haldenby has his stump speech figured out since yesterday and is playing it safe.

Joseph W. Richards II has started seriously campaigning and had the opportunity to follow-up on Dean Haldenby's in at least one classroom today. Haldenby stuck around for the speech and took off like Flash Gordon as people started applauding, probably to get ready for another class presentation.

1 comment:

Anon said...

I certainly hope that Renaud's gimmicky theatrics won't sway students. His presentation in my PHI 1104 lecture was admirably artistic but sorely lacking in substance. I, for one, would rather cast my vote for Dean, who has a nuanced understanding of the role of a president and of the organizational structure of the SFUO and its services. How nice for RPG to tell me I'm more than just a number, but I'd rather know exactly why he's qualified to manage my student union. I'm not buying into this "your vote, your identity" mentality.