If Renaud-Philippe Garner were to win the election, he would declare the election to be illegitimate and work on electoral reform through the summer. He would resign from his seat in August and call a by-election for September.
I wonder what the two other candidates think of this idea.
I believe it is the only thing the "winner" of this "election" could do. It would be the legitimate thing to do.
Yes, but honestly, can you guarantee that there will be a higher voter turnout in another by-election?
I'm not saying that a 3.7% voter turnout is anywhere near sufficient, but you really can't force people to vote if they're not interested.
Having another by-election won't change that; finding a way to make SFUO politics more compelling to the general student population would probably be a (first) step in the right direction.
Well I also figure that it would give the BOA the entire summer to consult and see what measures could be put in place.
However, now its not necessarily something I suggest, rather an argument, one can argue that this would involve another series of elections and campaigning which would then involved more costs. There are huge costs involved and that would mean that the candidates would have to run again and this entire situation might even create more voter apathy. To go on the record so quickly saying that its an illegitimate and that he would resign before even consulting anyone and assessing the risks is not necessarily the better option.
Je suis entièrement d'accord. Si 4 mois n'est pas assez pour entreprendre la réalisation d'un projet de marketing d'élection, et ce avec Julie Séguin à la tête des communications, je crois que 12 mois n'aura aucun changement. Car honnêtement, il est possible qu'en septembre les choses changent pour le mieux.
4 mois pour bien faire les choses et apprendre de nos erreurs, je crois que c'est assez, surtout que nous avons des gens très compétent dans l'équipe.
Has anyone (including RPG) ever heard of "voter exhaustion"?
Kudos to RPG !
Belle initiative !
What voter exhaustion? No one showed up!
As far as costs go, doesn't the SFUO have a surplus - if the SFUO is responsible for financing elections at all - then it would be a perfect opportunity for itself to reinvest in voter turnout as well as legitimizing student representation on campus.
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