Sunday, March 2, 2008

By-election campaign: Dean Haldenby draws first blood

Today is the first day of the by-election and President favourite, Dean Haldenby, has already struck first blood against his main challenger, Joseph Wesley Richards II (JWR2). For the record, there are three candidates running. Along with the two mentioned above, Renaud Philippe Garner.

So far, most of the buzz is between Haldenby and JWR2.

JWR2, who is running as the candidate of change, is presenting quite a lot of it. His platform can be found right here. He is quite certainly more conservative than most candidates that have been running as of late, but nothing radical.

A few years ago, Haldenby was the "conservative" candidate. Oh how times have changed.

JWR2 put up his website two days early, something most candidates do. Unfortunately, he advertised his website on facebook. Haldenby took out the guns right away by launching a complaint to the Elections office. They slapped JWR2 with a 50$ fine.

As if that wasn't enough, JWR2 did not show up to the candidate's meeting at 4:30PM. They slapped JWR2 with a 20$ fine.

Many student politicians have expressed interest in helping JWR2 and some sources are telling me Austin Menyasz might be interested in helping him out with his campaign.

According to my sources, JWR2 has no experience running campaigns at this level and does not have his campaign posters ready yet. Also according to the same sources, JWR2 has not drawn up a game plan for classroom presentations yet.

UPDATE: Someone asked me to link Dean Haldenby's website. It's right here. I am still looking for Renaud's.


Anonymous said...

I am clearly seduced by the idea of getting services by the SFUO "au temps en français qu'en anglais", whatever that means.

Anonymous said...

Why give Austin more credit than he's worth by citing him there, Wassim? I wouldn't want Austin running my errands let a lone my assoication or campaign! JWR2, run in the opposite direction of that storm!

Anonymous said...

Linking people? What is Austin doing exactly so far? Sounds like this could be quite the race... I think that supporting JWR2 is one of the best decisions Austin has made all year, and as evil as he's made out to be he could really have an impact.

PS. If he'll run my errands I'll take it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

that is totally uncalled for. you may not like his politics, but you shouldn't make it so personal... people like you are horrible for student politics, and i'd imagine that was posted by mike fancie...


Anonymous said...

Is anyone editing the content on this blog? Wow, someone really brave posted anonymously really rudely. Don't point fingers, it might not be whoever you think it is

But still, whoever wrote that should be ashamed of themselves and either own up to it if you're so convinced of he's a 'rat', or apologize anonymous! I can't believe people are like that!

I'm done reading this blog, it was a good attempt Wassim but some students just need a forum for old grudges.

dre said...
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dre said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm gonna ignore the part where you say you haven't been making personal attacks, because you made one about me in a pervious set of comments...but....

I' really like to discuss voter turnout. I mean, it's really going to be difficult to get students out during this time of year, and with no contestation of the BOA positions, it'll be even harder (I had thought that would have leant some support, but it hasn't). I suppose in this case, it's a good thing it is a three-way race, otherwise the legitimacy of the election would have been comprimised if in fact the turnout were particularly low. Big onus now on candidates to "get out the vote".

Anonymous said...

personal attack? i don't see how pointing out that you have a grudge is a personal attack... and its pretty hard to deny that you or mike fancie don't hold personal grudges! you know, people sometimes read things that are posted on facebook and then realize that you're a bit contradictory (thats the nice way to say you're a hypocrite!)!

yeah, that was a bit personal... oh, and don't post obvious things as if its your original thoughts...

Anonymous said...

This is so entirely uncalled for! If I wanted to make comments about austin, I would. Don't accume me.

Futhermore, you are clearly holding a grudge against me. You mentioned PIDSSA, not I.

Let's get back to the issues at hand.

So voter turn-out...

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's an original thought...

In future, websites, like this or the fulcrum's, or la rotonde's, or any other open forums (like SFUO designated facebook pages)should be designated positive spaces, and should be monitored for comments like this.

Unknown said...

Im also worried about voter turnout, that is why ill be visiting the Health Science classes to get people voting!

Interesting fact, here is the top 5 voter turnout for the last election (February 2008) :
1- Sciences (16.92%)
2- Social Sciences (14.77%)
3-Arts (13.85%)
4- Health Sciences (11.95%)
5- Engineering (11.18%)

My job : get Health Science up top!

Karine said...

Yes, please be aware of your surroundings, positive spaces are everywhere that is SFUO-related including this blog!

Anonymous said...

Those stats are super interesting. Why is it that the turnout in arts is only 14%, when they had such a large pool of candidates for BOA and exec? And surprisingly the end of campus we're worried we're ignoring, and which had far less candidates, has so much more? Neat!

I am really hoping to propose that next year on the BOA we add an ad-hoc committee to study voter-turn out. It's too easy to look at stats and mis-interpret them. There's a need for polling, and disucssion to find out why people don't vote, and what would get them to do so.

dre said...
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Anonymous said...

That what I mean. The ad hoc committees job would be to find those people, and understand why they don't vote. You would need students from different faculties, programs, campuses, and parts of campus to sit on it, and for them to then go out in the community and poll/survey, consult etc. students through what ever means possible. It too easy to make meaningless speculations based on stats. What the stats tell us is that turnout is low, lower in some areas than others. Now we need to take the initiative and figure out WHY.

Anonymous said...

That what I mean. The ad hoc committees job would be to find those people, and understand why they don't vote. You would need students from different faculties, programs, campuses, and parts of campus to sit on it, and for them to then go out in the community and poll/survey, consult etc. students through what ever means possible. It too easy to make meaningless speculations based on stats. What the stats tell us is that turnout is low, lower in some areas than others. Now we need to take the initiative and figure out WHY.

Anonymous said...

you know why people don't vote? because they don't have to. they will still be a member of the political community whether they vote or not, and they probably don't really care all that much about being a member of that community...

face it, the sfuo is far from a democracy. and it hardly ever comes across as having the student's concerns at heart! thats just how i see it, as a student that doesn't vote and probably never will. its not worth my time, because these people don't even make an effort to communicate with me/us.